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Live a fascinating experience exploring in kayak the longest navigable underground river in Europe, Les Coves de Sant Josep (Castellón). The speleokayak activity combines the contemplative and pleasant spirit of kayaking with the emotion of discovering the wonders hidden in the interior of the earth that speleology offers us.
Equipped with neoprenes and accompanied by our professional guides, we explore the amazing galleries of this unusual underground river located on the edge of the Sierra Espadán Natural Park, a river full of wonderful geological formations.

Includes: Specific individual equipment (kayak. paddle, neoprene, neoprene sock and helmet), clothing, professional guides, claim forms, insurance and VAT.

Duration:2h approx
Minimum group :6 person
Maximum group:18 person
Age recommended:From 10 years old
Meeting poing:Paraje Coves Sant Josep, Vall d'Uixó (Castellón)- Spain
Dates:Consultar disponibilidad en https://covesdesantjosep.sacatuentrada.es/
Material required:Bañador, ropa y calzado para cambiarse, toalla y agua.
Experience:No need, essential to know how to swim and not to be too claustrophobic
  • 50 Per person
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Online booking in: Coves Sant Josep Riu Subterrani